
The Becker-Posner Blogの Response on Freedom-BECKERはなかなか面白いエントリーです。なので簡単に紹介。



Some of you argued that economic freedom is more important than political freedom. I have some sympathy with that view, although it depends a lot on circumstances. Very poor individuals do put much greater emphasis on economic freedoms. But that weight tends to change as people get richer. That is one main reason why political freedoms tend to follow economic development.


ブルーノ S.フライ アロイス・スタッツァー 沢崎 冬日 佐和 隆光

ダイヤモンド社 2005-01
売り上げランキング : 963

by G-Tools

There is ambiguity in defining both economic and political freedom, and indexes of both are imperfect. I associate democracy not with voting-as one of you claimed- but with competition among interest groups and parties for political office. The right to vote may be necessary, but is surely far from sufficient in producing political freedom-competition politically is the crucial test of democracy.

この部分は非常に面白いな、と思ったのですが、votingではなくcompetition among interest groups and partiesによって民主主義に参加するというのは確かに政治的自由を考えた場合、重要なことかもしれない。

Interesting. So in Becker's view, is a gerrymandered Congress "democratic?" I would guess not. On the flip side, how about a system with many political parties where only millionaires can vote? That would fit Becker's definition, but no one else's.



If water has more "value" than gold, why does gold cost more? The answer, of course, was answered long ago. Water has more "total utility" but gold has greater "marginal utility." Couldn't this explanation be applied to economic and political freedom? For societies struggling to reach bare subsistence, they may very well (I think they do, at least) value economic freedom over political freedom, just as a society with very little water may value (in a price sense) water more than gold. Economic freedom may have a greater total utility (again, I think it does), but for more affluent societies, where their economic needs are perceived to be thoroughly quenched, the relative value of economic freedom (that is, its marginal utility) decreases, whereas the marginal utility of political freedom increases.


このBecker-Posner Blogは両教授のエントリーもさることながら、コメントもかなりレベルの高いものが多い気がする。そしてそれらのコメントにできる限り答えようとするBecker, Posner両教授の対応も非常にいいですね。